Criteria in Job-Hunting — 株式会社アットウェア

Hi, I'm Hiraku Mishima. I'm a rookie at atWare that belonging to KEY team. In this week we will present our posting in English.
So, I would like to start the first one.


This posting is for students who will prepare to start their job-hunting. Today, from my viewpoint, I will introduce you about my criteria for selecting company/job. And I hope this posting will be a good reference for your selection.

Self Introduction

I lived in Hakodate in Hokkaido. I graduated from National Institute of Technology Hakodate College and mainly learned about mechanical engineering. Now I'm trying to develop a fast calculation system by distributed processing with Apache Spark.

Nice meeting with atWare

About 2 years ago, I met this company at 2013's atWare internship. At that time I'm not familiar with IT technology but I was really interested in employee at atWare. In that activity, I can remember that I enjoyed talking with employees and got good inspirations from them. Through the internship my fixed idea was broken and got a positive feeling to IT company/job. After finish that internship I of course keep the relationship between atWare. Now fortunately I'm belonging to this company and enjoying learning about new technology.

Why I wanted to work at atWare

Do you have any criteria to select company/job? Company welfare, workplace, working time, atmosphere, company event and so on. From my viewpoint the important criterias are small company and sympathy between employees.
I want to work at small company because I think it's better way for making strong cooperative between employees. atWare already had kindness mind like "at-home". So people in there sometimes take care each other sincerely. I thought that it's suitable for me. And I thought that I want to work in the same atmosphere.
When I got employment exam I wasn't familiar with IT technology (programming, software development, ...) but I didn't care about my weakness point. My attention is, whether I can get sympathy with people working in there.

In atWare

Now In this company's atmosphere I can express my original characteristics naturally without any obstacle in my mind. I every time feel fun because I can possible to work with people who made this good atmosphere. So, I want to be able to sustain/adapt it.
It spend about 6 month when I entered in here. Not only in the project, also lunchtime or freetime, people sometimes pay attention me for giving a lot of good advice. From now on I will make conversation with other people more aggressively for getting good inspiration.
In atWare there are good environmens that gives me a lot of energies.

Nice meeting make your fulfilling life

You might worry about something related to your carrer path. Forexample your parent, stress from new environment, living alone, long-distance love and so on. But you should get-rid of that kind of negative image to take a new step for your life. And then Let's create a lot of new relationship at any places/events. All of new exciting meeting grow up your sence of values. If you have a good chance you can also easily join GEEKSCOOL event held at atWare. Also there are a lot of company or community events in this area.
So, please enjoy finding new relationship!
